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The Power of Action: The 7 Tenets of Transformation

A common misconception regarding manifestation and the law of attraction is that no action is needed. That is, many people misunderstand this approach to mean that if you only just think deeply enough and raise your vibration high enough, fortunes will simply fall in place.

That is not how it works. The law of attraction and the act of manifestation are deeply connected to action.

We must remember that we are interacting with the universe. One of the prerequisites for evolving and changing society is that we must change our individual selves before we expect the collective to change, just as for a body to be healthy, it must be built of healthy cells. Individual humans are the cells of society. To make real change, we need to transform ourselves joyfully by the following 7 steps:


  1. To make a change, we must get out of the old self. We must allow ourselves to create a new self-story!

  2. We should not live as programmed robots, because we are able to act out of free will, with consciousness. We must awaken to our power of choice!

  3. We need to examine every choice we make and ask the questions, “How does my choice affect me and the people around me? And how does my choice help me grow joyfully?” Then we must incorporate our answers into our subsequent choice-making!

  4. To grow, we need to learn, find information, reflect upon it, and change what we have been doing. We need to get out of a box or mindset that is not working for us. We must release that which does not serve our transformation!

  5. We need to examine our lifestyle critically, including diet, sleep, exercise, and entertainment. What we do becomes who we are. We must establish habits that align with and support who we want to be!

  6. We need to take full responsibility to change ourselves and help our families change. We must feel brave to speak out and act with confidence to help those around us understand the value of living with awareness!

  7. Many factors affect our awareness, including fear, ego, and attachment to adopted beliefs from childhood. We must be aware that our perceptions can lead us away from new truths and discoveries!

These seven steps can help take you from where you are now to where you want to be, and who you want to become. Here's wishing you the best on your personal transformation journey. May we all work together to change the world!


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